Your Words, Your Workout!

Transform your workout ideas into workout files. Simply describe the workout, and we'll create the workout file.

Compatible with

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VO2max intervals

"I want a workout with 5 minutes warm-up, then 6 sets of 1-minute VO2max intervals with 30 seconds rest, and then a 5-minute cooldown"

VO2max interval workout visualization

Threshold intervals

"Warm up, then 6x6 minutes at threshold with 1 minute rest, then cool down"

Threshold interval workout visualization


"Warm up 10 minutes at 70% FTP, then 3x20 minutes at 85% FTP with 2 minutes rest, then 10 minutes cool down at 60% FTP"

Percentage FTP workout visualization



$12 /year

for athletes

  • ✅ Create unlimited workouts
  • ✅ Export to Zwift, etc.
  • ✅ Access to new features as they are released


$20 /month

for applications

  • ✅ Everything in Plus
  • ✅ API access